Ritual Advisor Handbook Released

Ritual Advisor Handbook Released
The Advisory Council of a DeMolay Chapter is a lot like a football coaching staff. You have your head coach (Chapter Advisor), you have the Athletic Director (Chairman) and then you have a coach for the Passing Game, a  Defensive Coach, Strength Training. In DeMolay advisory councils have advisors to work on ritual, membership, sports, awards.  

We are pleased to release the Ritual Advisor Handbook! 
We have had several requests for training and guides for the specialized advisor positions in addition to the training provided by DeMolay International.

Our adult education task force will be releasing additional guidebooks and handbooks as they are developed.  As part of our continuous improvement model, if you have feedback or suggestions please let us know! 
Thank you to “Dad” Mark Alvarado, “Mom” Maura Celentano, “Dad” Phillip Hurkala, “Dad” Tom Perry, “Dad” Craig Riha, “Dad” Andrew Roberts  and “Dad” Jack Schoonmaker for their work on this project, and the State Advisory Council for their approval of it!