Knights Templar Welcomes New Members

Knights Templar Chapter welcomed Br. Alejandro and Br. Daniel to their chapter on May 22, 2020!

This degree was done using the virtual degree process. This was the first time it has been done in the history of New York DeMolay and just another example of how DeMolay keeps going.  After the induction the DeMolays of Knights Templar, along with brothers from Knickerbocker and Richmond Chapters played Kahoot. It was a bunch of fun!

Big thank you to State Master Councilor Austin Altman, Region Master Councilor RJ Larson and State Scribe Brian Ramos for performing the work. We were excited to be joined by Grand Master “Dad” William M. Sardone who brought greetings on behalf of the Grand Lodge of New York.

DeMolay doesn’t stop, it keeps going!